Elemental Garden

Created for the Pirate Software GameJam 15

You are an aspiring alchemist and need to plant the ingredients for the mighty potions you want to create. But these ingredients can't be some ordinary flower. You need to create Elemental Plants that only grow when hit by specific amount of elemental light.


In every level you have a set of plants that you need place. Every type of plant also have specific lighting requirements, like being fully lid by the fire light, otherwise they will wither (greyed out). Placed plants will create shadows for the individual light sources and will give opportunities to fulfill the requirements for all plants.  To finish a level all plants have to be placed and their conditions met.


LMB Use UI and place plants

RMB Remove plants, when in building mode

ESC Escape building/remove mode

About Me

This is my first GameJam and also first time playing around with Game Developement. Because of that I didn't really had the time make the feel polished or even create enough levels. But at least I was able to create the general idea I had for this Jam!

Hope you still enjoy it!

AuthorLord Tkay
Made withUnity
Tagsalchemy, Shadows
Average sessionA few seconds


Game Design Document


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This is a really fantastic puzzle game. Maybe a bit too smart for my dumb brain but I managed to get 5+ levels into it before it beat me.

The visuals are really nice as well as the style. It would have been nice if I could zoom in a little or had control of the camera. But it wasn't a huge deal.

The gameplay is absolutely solid but I wish I could quickly delete items by right clicking or something similar rather than having to activate delete mode with the button. A very minor issue.

I was a little confused by the light colour changing sometimes but after experimenting a little more I figured it out. It would be cool if there was a feature to hover over a tile to see the current light level to get a better understanding. But as with all things gamejam it's a time crunch!

Camera control are a good idea, will try to add it in a post-jam variation of the game! Right-clicking to delete plants should have work in this version though.

Anyway, thanks for playing my game and giving feedback!


Great puzzle idea very well put together. Really would have liked a few more levels. :D

Only thing that I would like to point out is that the contrast between the different light can be challenging to see. But I don't have any good solution for that either.

Yeah, I didn't really had the time for more levels or even take more time to think about them. 

I agree with the light, I think when hovering over a tile, it would be nice to see the light level of given tile. 

I might work on it after the jam and try to make it more polished, if I find the time.

Thanks for playing! :)